Our new home on Allison St

Vivid Projects Has Moved

16 August – 30 September 2024

We are excited to announce that we have officially moved into our new home.

Vivid Projects HQ now lives at The Warehouse in Digbeth – the Birmingham Friends of the Earth’s environmental community building. We are joining an accessible and growing space with residents including our new neighbours at Voce Books, BRIG Cafe (Birmingham Race Impact Group), Brum Radio, Sprocket Cycles and more. If you haven’t come across the venue yet, we are located a short walk from Moor St Station and Grand Central and in close proximity to Digbeth’s independent art spaces.

We will be closed to the public until the autumn in order to fit out our wheelchair accessible residency and archive space; and prepare the launch of our new website. In the meantime the Vivid Projects office is up and running and we are busy programming for the coming year.

Vivid Projects at The Warehouse, Allison St